Matěj Volf


Prague, Czech Republic

Node.js engineer at Apify | Student of Computer Science at MFF UK in Prague | Python, JavaScript and Rust enthusiast


SvelteJS JavaScript Rust Linux Git Docker Python PostgreSQL Flask SolidJS


Hello! My name is Matěj and I’m from Prague, Czech Republic. I’m currently in the second year of Bc. in Computer Science at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics at Charles University. I’m also part-time employed at the Czech startup Apify in the role of a Node.js engineer / Web Automation developer.

Here you can find a showcase of my previous work and what technologies I enjoy working with. Apart from my current job at Apify, where I'm enjoying the possibility to work with and learn from experienced engineers with many different expertises, when I was at high school I worked on several projects of my own and I also made a few minor contributions to various open-source projects.

Work experience

Node.js engineer at Apify Node.js, Web scraping June 2022 – present

My entry job into the world of real-world IT. It's not the time to fully reflect on this job yet, but so far I'm really enjoying the opportunity to learn from experienced engineers, from platform DevOps managers to front-end engineers to senior web automation devs. The open and free company culture allows me to get maximum insight and learning opportunities at this position.


Rust for HelenOS Rust, Operating System development 2024 – present

As my Individual Software project at Matfyz (and potentially my Bachelor's thesis), I am working on providing support for the HelenOS operating system to the Rust compiler, i.e. allow compiling Rust programs for HelenOS. I am very much in the beginning of this project and there isn't anything that I have to show yet.

RoboRally game, web, Svelte, Rust, WebAssembly March – December 2022

As my high school graduation project, I recreated the board game RoboRally as a multiplayer online game. This included a backend written in Rust, WebSocket transport layer, Rust compiled to WebAssembly for game state deserialization and a highly interactive Svelte frontend.

This project occassionally receives new feautes when I get to improve it as a piece of work for my university courses.

Play the game online | View repository | Read more… web, Svelte, frontend, deployment 2018 – present

Since 2018, I've been maintaining my mother's website and e-shop. The first version was a simple static website generated with Frozen-Flask. However, as my skills improved, I got to iterate many new technologies, landing on the current stack of SvelteKit, custom server for assets written in Rust and NetlifyCMS.

With this project, I also learned a lot about how to manage a full VPS – along with the server itself, I'm self-hosting Caddy, Plausible analytics and a Postgres database in a Docker-compose cluster. I've also setup Grafana with alerts to monitor server load etc.

Archive of older projects